One tree may be very much like the next, but the same can’t really be said about the wood that comes from those trees. Lumber tends to fall into two categories – hardwoods and softwoods. When selecting wood or lumber in Ohio to create the look you want, it’s important to know a little about the wood before you begin your project. Rino’s Woodworking Shop, Inc. can help answer your questions.
Softwoods VS Hardwoods
Most softwoods tend to be just that – softer – than hardwoods, but the difference goes much deeper. The true difference are the vessels in the micro-structures inside the tree. These micro-structures – picture blood vessels – move nutrients and water through the layers of a tree as it grows.
These vessels are found in hardwoods but not softwoods. They make the wood denser because the cell walls are thicker. Also, hardwoods come from deciduous trees – meaning they lose their leaves in the winter, and softwoods come from conifers – meaning they have cones such as pine trees and don’t lose their leaves.
In addition, hardwoods have broader leaves and once made into molding or furniture they tend to be more durable. When used, you’ll find that hardwoods stand up to scratches and dents much better than softwoods. This is why hardwoods are great for moldings and flooring in your home. Read Hardwood 101 to discover the different types of hardwoods
Woods Used at Rino’s
Rino’s Woodworking Shop, Inc. uses hardwoods for the custom moldings we make. Also, the flat stock or S4S we provide come from hardwoods such as Cherry, White Oak, Red Oak, Poplar, White Maple, and Mahogany.
One of the advantages of working with hardwoods, beyond its durability, is its density. Because it is dense, the joints, for example, mortise joints, are very solid.
Different Woods for Different Projects
Deciding which type of wood to use depends on your project and the outcome you are looking for. Both cherry and mahogany are go-to woods for furniture and moldings. Cherry stains well and is easy to work with. It also ages well. Mahogany has a nice reddish color and a straight grain.
Maple is a popular wood to work with, but it is harder than the other woods. Hard maple is quite hard. Either type tends to have a nice straight grain and finished projects always look good.
Oak, which comes in white and red, is also used in a lot of furniture. White oak is best for outside furniture as it is resistant to moisture. Both white and red oak is easy to work with and is a strong wood.
Poplar is a ‘softer’ hardwood which makes it easier to work with. It also tends to be a little less expensive, but it doesn’t have the same fine qualities as cherry or mahogany and is not typically used in higher quality projects.
If you have questions about wood lumber in Ohio, give Rino’s Woodworking Shop, Inc. a call. We are happy to answer any question you may have and point you in the right direction. Your woodworking projects are important to you, so that makes them important to us. Give us a call today.